Ms. Saira Batool

Why I love Pakistan
Why I love Pakistan. This question whispered in my heart last week, as I remembered my sister who questions me one day “What Pakistan has given us”? “Why we love Pakistan”? There is terrorism, VIP culture, pillage, dowry, bribery. Everybody is busy in filling his pockets. Pakistan has stood second in corruption. I was shocked at her way of thinking. Infact, these are some of the harsh realities but we must not always look at the darker side of the picture. We can be optimistic “What Pakistan has given us”? Pakistan has blessed us the feeling of freedom. It is our homeland, our dignity, our identity in the world. Its soil is scared to us. It has protected us. It is a symbol of our forefather’s efforts. Our ancestors had offered sacrifices inly hoping that their next generation will breathe in freedom. They had sacrificed their present for our future, only thinking that we will confer it honour and respect.
Not words, but only men can make a nation strong
Brave men who work while other sleep
Who dare while other fly?
They build a nation pillars deep
And life them up to the sky
Let’s all get geared up and combined our forces and surely the almighty Allah will guide us to the path of glory, fulfilling our dreams of making Pakistan stable nation whose citizen will be proud of it. (In Shaa Allah).
This is time, my friends, to open our eyes, our mind and learn……..
Every day is bone anew, Rainbows fade and reappear and we too much die……
But lose not hope, do not despair, have courage, be patient, endure
And then every morning shall be yours…..
Ms. Saira Batool
PIPS School System Sheikhpura